Santiago Bandiera

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Personal Information


Mendoza City • Mendoza • Argentina • ( GMT-3 )



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Argentinian • Italian


Information Technology Engineer with wide knowledge in process and technologies, focus on application, web and server development. I consider myself a responsible person, creative, proactive and tolerant. I take every challenge as growth opportunity. Skillful in interpersonal relations, ease to work in groups and to resolve problems efficiently and achieve set objectives. A problem solver, getting things done.

My contribution include provide my capabilities to a development group, or to get different approaches to solve a problem or achieve a task. My empathy allow me to join to a settled work group, and my positive perspective encouraged a good working atmosphere.

My objectives are to be able to growth as developer, acquiring knowledge by every achievement or fail; to be useful resolving o finding potential problems or doing tasks; and to enjoy doing all theses.


March 2021 • December 2021

Software Engineer / Team Leader

Contractor / Dickey’s BBQ (USA)

My role was to assemble and guide a team to manage the new websites the company was opening around the world, along with a new eCommerce platform. My responsibilities were to refine user requirements, interact with the client, and be part of an amazing team with whom we delivered a high quality, scalable and flexible product.

June 2020 • January 2021

Software Engineer / FrontEnd developer

Freelance / UpWork (USA)

UpWork is a well know American freelancing platform, where I was part of the Cloud & Engineering operations team. My role was to design, implement, update, test and deploy internal tools used to keep track and display the status of different servers and process.

June 2019 • April 2020

Software Engineer / FrontEnd developer

Freelance / Reciprocity (USA)

Working for this company in the GRC area, I have to maintain, improve and develop new functionalities in its main product, a web application implemented in VueJS and Python. Updating and developing new features, reviewing others code, improve the test suite, writing and checking technical specifications were part of my role.

January 2019 • April 2019

JavaScript (Vue/Node) Developer

Freelance / Stride (USA)

I worked for Equinox (gym franchise) implementing the web app new designs. I was in charge of the styles and functionality implementation, entirely developed with VueJS. Also I had to adapt and improve the communication with its NodeJS back-end, an external API and another web app.

July 2017 • December 2018

JavaScript (React/Vue/Node) Developer

Freelance / Hanzo (Spain)

Developing a React+Redux web application for a client in the finance industry. Working with Node+Express / Glimmer / Vue for internal projects.

October 2016 • April 2017

JavaScript / EmberJS Developer

Aurigae (Madrid - Spain)

Working directly for the client, the BBVA bank, being part of a team in charge of improving the architecture and evolving the bank’s mobile web site and hybrid mobile application. Among my tasks is reviewing other team’s code, giving support to other developers and creating new tests.

July 2015 • August 2016

JavaScript / EmberJS Developer

Codecantor (Madrid - Spain)

Developing and improving web applications using EmberJS framework. Giving technical support to a design company and its clients. In this position I learned how to leverage Web Applications with EmberJS, REST/JSON API for the backend communication, and TDD and Kanban as development process

May 2014 • May 2015

Java / JavaScript Developer

Clifton Myers Enterprises (Mendoza - Argentina)

Maintaining Java Back End code and developing JavaScript applications. My achievement include set part of a Java/Spring REST server and worked developing an AngularJS application.

July 2008 • April 2014

Java / JavaScript Junior Developer

Sílice (Mendoza - Argentina)

Developing FullStack JavaWeb applications. My achievements in this company include have worked with Java Web applications, Spring Framework, Struts 2, MySQL databases, OpenID servers. In the FrontEnd side, with JavaScript, jQuery and with Cordova and jQuery Mobile to develop mobile applications.

August 2012 • June 2015

Assistant Professor of Visual Development

Champagnat University – Mendoza (Argentina)

March 2014 • February 2015

Assistant Professor of Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Champagnat University – Mendoza (Argentina)

Technical Skills

Javascript / Front End: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️

VueJS / React / Vanilla JS / WebAPIs

Back End: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️

NodeJS / ExpressJS / Firebase

DataBases: ⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️

PostgreSQL / MongoDB / Redis

Web: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️

CSS / Bootstrap / SASS / Tailwind

Version control systems: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️

SVN / Git

Development Process: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️

UP / Scrum / Agile

Networking: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️

Internet Protocols

Mobile: ⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️

Android / Cordova / ReacNative

SysAdmin: ⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️

Linux Servers / Docker / Infrastructure as Code

Lead / Management: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚪️

Team Leader / Product Management / Product Owner

Personal Skills

  • Service attitude
  • Work in group
  • Proactive
  • Liable
  • Ease of learning


Information Technology Engineer (5 years)

Mendoza University- Engineering Faculty

Mendoza – Argentina

2011 graduated


  • Spanish: C2 (native)
  • English: B2 (Upper intermediate)


  • Sports (Soccer, rock climbing, swimming, aikido, bicycling)
  • Hiking
  • Reading (Novels, history, science, psychology, politics, philosophy)
  • Playing music instruments
  • Watching movies
  • Cooking